The American Muscular Christianity Movement and the Ideals of Masculinity 미국(美國)의 강건한 기독교주의 운동(MCM)과 이상적(理想的) 남성상(男性象)
52(1) 1-14, 2013
The American Muscular Christianity Movement and the Ideals of Masculinity 미국(美國)의 강건한 기독교주의 운동(MCM)과 이상적(理想的) 남성상(男性象)
The decisive influence on the development of American sports was the Muscular Christianity Movement (“MCM”) and this article explores the gender ideal pursued by the YMCA through the MCM. The findings are as follows. First, the spiritual ideal of masculinity was the Christian Gentleman which co-incided with the idea of 19th century British gentlemanship. Second, when it came to the body, the Robust Gentleman was the masculine ideal that was desired. Healthy, sturdy and strong were the qualities associated with this ideal and in order to create a Robust Gentleman, physical fitness programs were introduced. Third, the ideal of masculinity in the American MCM concerning the mind was the Masculine Gentleman - a self-made man who possessed qualities such as independence, patience and self-control and in order to cultivate these qualities, various types of sports were encouraged.
A Study on the Historical Significance of the Erasure of the Japanese National Flag 일장기말소사건의 역사적 의미
하정희JungHeeHa , 손환HwanSon
52(1) 15-24, 2013
A Study on the Historical Significance of the Erasure of the Japanese National Flag 일장기말소사건의 역사적 의미
하정희JungHeeHa , 손환HwanSon
This study investigated the historical significance of the Erasure of the Japanese National Flag. The erasure of the national flag of Japan caused by Choseonjoongangilbo was occurred by Hae Bung Yu, who had been encouraged by Yu, who had been encouraged by Wun-Hyung Yeo, for the purpose of arousing a sense of national identity for Korean people through the national victory of Kee-Chung Son. That incident by the Dong-A Daily News, however, is believed to have been caused by reporters and editors, despite the assertion that it was derived from tradition and policy of the company, in that Sung-Su Kim and Jin-Wu Song were offended by the incident. However, Sung-Su Kim demonstrated that the incident was a sort of warning message to enlighten the national consciousness at that time when Nationalist leaders and prominent figures had become pro-Japanese by Japanese forcing their culture on Koreans. In addition, he insisted that Dong-A Ilbo should move forward as the national newspaper. To conclude, the incident of the erasure of the Japanese national flag has great historical significance. That is, it eventually offered an opportunity to instill encouragement, hope and confidence into Koreans who had been in despair under the Japanese colonial rule as vicarious satisfaction through the victory of Kee-Chung Son. Besides, the incident had served as a warning to the leaders at that time.
Key Words
japanese national flag, erasure of japanese national flag, historical significance
A Study on Meeting of T`oegye and Taekwondo Philosophy 퇴계철학과 태권도철학의 만남
이정란JeongRanLee , 이정기JeongKiLee
52(1) 25-33, 2013
A Study on Meeting of T`oegye and Taekwondo Philosophy 퇴계철학과 태권도철학의 만남
이정란JeongRanLee , 이정기JeongKiLee
The purpose of this study is to research the significance of Toegye`s thought for the philosophical research of Taekwondo. A literature review was used as the method of study. The ``Tao(道)`` is considered as the central idea of Taekwondo philosophy. Herein the ``Tao(道)`` can be understood as ``enlightenment``. There are two way to realize the ``Tao(道)``; these are realization and practice, that is, the method of cultivating the mind(心法) and the method of cultivating the physical(身法). The Kyeong(敬, mindfullness)`` is major thought of Toegye. Herein the Kyeong means concentrating one`s mind and then dismissing worldly thoughts from one`s mind. This is accepted as the way of concentration of mind in Taekwondo. He suggested Geo-Gyung(居敬)and Gungni(窮理) as the method to reach to Kyeong. A method of quite sitting is one of the live in mindfulness, he practiced himself. There are two way to Achieve ``Tao``.; The one is a learning(文), and the other is a martial art(武). T`oegye thought that through the inquiry a man can attain the stage of Tao. Kyeong was regarded in the same manner of Tao. It can say that Kyeong of Toegye and Tao of Taekwondo are equivalent stage.
Key Words
T`oegye philosophy, Taekwondo philosophy, meeting, the method of cultivating the mind, the method of cultivating the physical, Geo-Gyun, Gungni
The Relationship between e-sports Game Participation and Sociality and School Adjustment by Elementary School Student 초등학생의 e-스포츠 게임 참여와 사회성 및 학교적응과의 관계
조규정KyuJungCho , 문한식HanShikMoon
52(1) 35-47, 2013
The Relationship between e-sports Game Participation and Sociality and School Adjustment by Elementary School Student 초등학생의 e-스포츠 게임 참여와 사회성 및 학교적응과의 관계
조규정KyuJungCho , 문한식HanShikMoon
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between e-sports game participation and sociality and school adjustment by elementary school student. For this study, 256 students were selected among 4th, 5th and 6th grade elementary school students attending at S. O. P elementary school in Suncheon, Korea, via stratified cluster random sampling method. Data processing was made with frequency analysis, explore factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multi-regression analysis and the results were as follows. First, in the sociality by gender, girl students showed high in stability, while boy students high in sociability. In the school adjustment, boy students represented high in friend relationship, while girl students high in school regulations. Second, in the sociality by school grade, 6th grade students showed high in teacher relationship and school regulations under the sub-scales of sociality, and school adjustment. Third, in the sociality by e-sports participation, the participation group showed high in friend relationship and school regulations under the sociability and school adjustment. Fourth, by analyzing the effects of sociality to school adjustment, the dominating power and sociability had positive (+) influenced on friend relationship and teacher relationship and stability, dominating power and sociability had positive (+) influence on school adjustment, respectively.
Key Words
elementary school students, e-sports game participation, sociality school adjustment
4th Grade in the High School, The Story of Flunked Student-athlete: the reason, experience and plan 고등학교 4학년, 학생선수 유급 이야기: 기저, 경험 그리고 당면과제
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 이원희WonHeeLee
52(1) 49-58, 2013
4th Grade in the High School, The Story of Flunked Student-athlete: the reason, experience and plan 고등학교 4학년, 학생선수 유급 이야기: 기저, 경험 그리고 당면과제
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 이원희WonHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate, the problem of why student-athletes choose to flunk and have the experience of being held back. Further more, this study with analyzed why the culture of flunking remains in school elite sports. For this, we selected 12 student-athletes who had experience flunking experienced as high school student- athletes in A city. This study collected data using related data, text analysis and in-depth interviews. The results were as follows: First, the contents of why student- athletes choose to flunk due to being injured, for the enhancement of athletic performance, external pressure and domino effect of flunking. Second, the contents of the experience of student- athletes showed many had a non-committal ego, improper personal relations, were unable to establish appropriate athletic foundation and were easily frustrated upon initial failure. Third, the problem facing the flunking mood of academy elite sports is for urgent reforming. We discussed, ``Is flunking a necessary evil for student- athletes?`` and should we modify our mindset about student - athletes, and provide an institutional strategy, that allows for student-athletes to no longer be allowed to flunk.
Key Words
flunked student-athlete, student-athlete, school elite sport, elite sport
A Close Examination of Drug Use and the Factors Affecting Drug Use Experience of the Female University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 여학생의 약물복용 실태와 복용 경험 영향 요인
52(1) 59-71, 2013
A Close Examination of Drug Use and the Factors Affecting Drug Use Experience of the Female University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 여학생의 약물복용 실태와 복용 경험 영향 요인
The purpose of this study was to find out the actual conditions of drug use and the factors affecting drug use experience of female students majoring in dance. The subjects of this study were sampled 309 female university students majoring in dance. On the basis of the results analyzed, the conclusions were drawn as followings; First, 51.8 % of students used drugs for their own purposes. There were significant differences of experience of drug use according to BMI, major and dance career. Second, 55 % of students was taken drugs 3~10 times, and the most students had taken drugs first time at high school period. Third, the drugs that students used frequently were diet pills, anodyne, and diarrhea medicine. Most of student had taken diet pills the most regardless dance major and career. And students who had taken more non prescription pills than prescription ones. Forth, body image, performance anxiety and dance achievement of student had significantly influences on drug use experience. Students` satisfaction with own appearance and performance anxiety had influences on where or not use of drugs, none satisfaction with own appearance and dance achievement had influence on experience of drug use.
Key Words
dance, drug use, BMI, body image, dance performance anxiety, dance achievement
The Development Strategies of Sports Tourism with Culture hub City: for Gwang-ju City 문화중심도시 건설과 연계한 스포츠관광 개발전략: 광주광역시를 중심으로
윤이중YeeJoongYoon , 이병규ByungKyuLee
52(1) 73-85, 2013
The Development Strategies of Sports Tourism with Culture hub City: for Gwang-ju City 문화중심도시 건설과 연계한 스포츠관광 개발전략: 광주광역시를 중심으로
윤이중YeeJoongYoon , 이병규ByungKyuLee
This study aims to establish sports tourism strategy with the functions of local economy activation and urban tourism promotion in connection with culture hub city. Therefore it arranged theoretical foundation to verify the validity with literature study for the purpose of culture hub city construction and its possibility to connect with sports tourism and after examining actual conditions of sports tourism resources, sports tourism activation strategies were suggested as follows. First, attraction and holding of international and domestic sports events should be continued. For this, constant cooperative system for attracting pre-competition and field training team and championship and exchange competition centering around Universiade in 2015 should be established. Second, Construction of sports tourism attractions using sports facilities such as baseball stadium, world cup stadium, Mt. Mudeung, and Mt. Eodeung and natural environment for extending sports tourism resources and developing various contents should be made. Third, sport package products such as golf tour for the purpose of discovering storytelling tour package with combination of culture and sports using sport culture heritage and attracting tourists based on active tourism pattern should be developed.
Key Words
culture hub city, sports tourism, sport event, sport tourism attractions, sport package
The Effect of Swimming Participant`s Passion and Emotion on Self Management and Exercise Adherence 수영참여자의 열정, 정서가 자기관리 및 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향
구대웅DaeWoongKoo , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김준JunKim
52(1) 87-100, 2013
The Effect of Swimming Participant`s Passion and Emotion on Self Management and Exercise Adherence 수영참여자의 열정, 정서가 자기관리 및 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향
구대웅DaeWoongKoo , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김준JunKim
This study aims to empirically showed the effect of passion and emotion of swimming participant`s on their self-management and exercise adherence. To achieve this goal, adults participating swimming program in Busan region in 2011 were chosen as the population and for sampling, the valid sample of 401 persons have been used for the analysis using purposeful sampling. Questionnaires for this study consisted of 61questions: 4 demographic questions, 14 passion questions, 19 emotion questions, 17 self management questions, 9 exercise adherence questions. As a data analysis, multiple regression analysis have been executed, using Window SPSS Ver. 18.0 program. The results are showed as following. First, it found that passion had a significant effect on self-management. Second, it found that passion had a significant effect on exercise adherence. Third, it found that emotion had a significant effect on self-management. Fourth, it found that emotion had a significant effect on exercise adherence. Fifth, it found that self-management had a significant effect on exercise adherence.
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Passion with Serious Leisure in Tennis Club Members 테니스 동호인의 성취목표성향, 열정 및 진지한 여가의 관계
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
52(1) 101-115, 2013
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Passion with Serious Leisure in Tennis Club Members 테니스 동호인의 성취목표성향, 열정 및 진지한 여가의 관계
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this study was to discover the relationship among the Achievement Goal Orientation, Passion with Serious Leisure in tennis club members. For this study, Busan region 6ward in 2012 were taken as the tennis club members were sampled and the data of 350 were used in the analysis and conducted data analyses included a frequency analysis, reliability analysis, a factorial analysis, Multiple regression analysis. The following results have been drawn from this study. First, the Achievement Goal Orientation(ego goal, task goal) of tennis club members was found to have a significant positive effect on Passion(harmonious, obsessive). Second, the Achievement Goal Orientation(ego goal, task goal) of tennis club members was found to have a significant positive effect on Serious Leisure(persevere, career, effort, rewards, identify, unique ethos). Third, the Passion(harmonious, obsessive) of tennis club members was found to have a significant positive effect on Serious Leisure(persevere, career, effort, rewards, identify, unique ethos).
Key Words
Achievement Goal Orientation, Passion, Serious Leisure, Tennis Club Members
The Effect of Dance sport Instructors Professionalism on Self Management, Instructors Trust and Coaching Efficiency 댄스스포츠 지도자 전문성이 선수들의 자기관리, 지도자 신뢰, 지도효율성에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Dance sport Instructors Professionalism on Self Management, Instructors Trust and Coaching Efficiency 댄스스포츠 지도자 전문성이 선수들의 자기관리, 지도자 신뢰, 지도효율성에 미치는 영향
This study is conducted to analyze the effects how the instructor professionalism can affect on the coaching efficiency for the dance sports players based on the measure of the self-management and instructors trust. For this study, 284 dance sports players were surveyed and some results were found like followings. First, Latin dance sports perceives that the instructors professionalism and instructors trust and coaching efficiency are important. An advanced degree group highly appreciates instructors professionalism, self-management, and instructors trust. Also, experienced player group recognized the self-management the most. In case of the participation, less participation group shows that they believe instructors professionalism is important, while more participation group consider the self-management crucial. Second, the professionalism of the dance sports instructors mostly affects on self-management and instructors trust and coaching efficiency. Third, The self-management and instructors trust of the athletes have an effect on the coaching efficiency. Lastly, each variable results in that instructors professionalism influences self-management of the athletes and instructors trust, having an indirect influence on the coaching efficiency.
The purpose of this study was to investigate of the over conformity to the sport ethic scale`s sociometric properties and validation in athletes on the national team. Enumeration survey and statistical analysis were conducted for examining 126 national athletes. A research tool used in this study was SAQ Korean version developed by Shipherd (2010). Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS 20.0, AMOS 20.0, SAS 9.2, WINSTEPS 3.74(Linacre, 2012). Main findings of this study are as follows. First, it was reported to be unsuitable for Korean athletes. Second, 3 items were unsuitable for scale propriety resulting from WINSTEPS. Lastly, validated SAQ was appropriated for considering Korean athletes on the national team.
Key Words
sport ethic, over conformity, validity, sociometric, item response theory, goodness-of-fit
Investigating the Factorial Invariance and Latent Means of Athlete Burnout Questionnaire(ABQ) for the Use of Adolescent Student-Athletes 청소년 학생선수를 위한 운동 탈진 질문지(ABQ)의 요인 동일성과 잠재평균 검증
박중길JungGilPark , 정구인KooInJung
52(1) 149-162, 2013
Investigating the Factorial Invariance and Latent Means of Athlete Burnout Questionnaire(ABQ) for the Use of Adolescent Student-Athletes 청소년 학생선수를 위한 운동 탈진 질문지(ABQ)의 요인 동일성과 잠재평균 검증
박중길JungGilPark , 정구인KooInJung
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factorial invariance and its latent means of Athlete Burnout Questionnaire(ABQ; Raedeke & Smith, 2001) for the use of adolescent student-athletes. Participants were 607 physical education middle and high school athletes(389 males, 218 females). For data descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and multigroup analysis were conducted. Results of confirmatory factor analyses showed that three-factor model with 13 items was the most adequate fit for the data(X^2=443.79, df=62, Q=7.15, TLI=.906, CFI=.930, RMSEA=.076). Results of multigroup analyses indicated that the three-factor measurement models were invariant across gender, grade, athletic career, and sport types samples. Results of latent mean analyses indicated that the levels of emotional/physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment, and devaluation were no differences across gender and sport type samples, but high school athletes showed a higher mean than middle school athletes on the emotional/physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment, and devaluation scores. Also, athletes participating in sports more than 4 years showed a higher mean on the emotional/physical exhaustion and devaluation scores. Findings suggest that the Athletic Burnout Questionnaire is a valid and reliable inventory for measuring the physical education middle and high school athletes. The results were discussed with its psychometric issues and future directions.
Key Words
adolescent athletes, athletic burnout, stress, sport environment, multigroup analysis
The Effect of Goal Orientation on Antisocial Behavior in Takwondo and Football Players: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement 태권도와 축구선수들의 성취목표성향이 반사회적 행동에 미치는 영향: 도덕적 이탈의 매개효과 분석
김선욱SeonUkKim , 양명환MyungHwanYang
52(1) 163-174, 2013
The Effect of Goal Orientation on Antisocial Behavior in Takwondo and Football Players: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement 태권도와 축구선수들의 성취목표성향이 반사회적 행동에 미치는 영향: 도덕적 이탈의 매개효과 분석
김선욱SeonUkKim , 양명환MyungHwanYang
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of goal orientation on antisocial behavior among high school and collegiate Taekwondo and football players, and whether these effects are mediated by task and ego orientation. Participants were 225 male and female high school and collegiate athletes who complete questionnaires measuring task and ego orientation, moral disengagement, antisocial behaviors and demographics. Regression analyses revealed that antisocial behavior was predicted positively by task orientation and ego orientation, and moral disengagement was predicted positively by ego orientation. Ego orientation had indirect positive effects on antisocial behavior through moral disengagement. These findings discussed in terms of their implications for eliminating antisocial behavior from the sport context.
Perceived Character Strength of body-building players Based on the VIA Classification : Self-perception and Significant others` perception VIA 분류체계에 근거한 보디빌딩 선수의 성격 강점: 자기 및 주요타자의 지각
유동인DongInYou , 이현영HyunYoungLee , 홍준희JunHeeHong
52(1) 175-183, 2013
Perceived Character Strength of body-building players Based on the VIA Classification : Self-perception and Significant others` perception VIA 분류체계에 근거한 보디빌딩 선수의 성격 강점: 자기 및 주요타자의 지각
유동인DongInYou , 이현영HyunYoungLee , 홍준희JunHeeHong
The purpose of this study was, based on the VIA classification, to analyze the perceived character strength of body-building players The survey is designed to ask 138 body-building players and 153 significant others, total 291 people. They responded to a demographic questionnaire and an open-ended questionnaire. To analyze the responses of research subjects, inductive methode, frequency analysis, and Chi-square test were used. The result of this study is as in the following. Firstly, character strength of body-building players from players` view is tenacity, vitality, optimism, prudence and kindness. courage, transcendence and temperance are raised as virtue. Secondly, character strength of body-building players from significant others` view was tenacity, vitality, optimism, courage, kindness, social intelligence. Bravery, transcendence and humanity are raised as virtue. Next, character strength of body-building players from player`s view was tenacity, optimism and vitality in the order and character strength of body-building players from significant others` view was tenacity, bravery, kindness and prudence in the order. The result shows that there are significant statistical differences in character strength between player`s view and significant others` view. This study can be as the basis in order to understand body-building players.
Key Words
body-building, VIA classification, Character strengths, virtue
The Development of Physical Education Textbook Prototype Based on Digital Storytelling 디지털 스토리텔링 중심의 체육교과서 원형 개발
52(1) 185-194, 2013
The Development of Physical Education Textbook Prototype Based on Digital Storytelling 디지털 스토리텔링 중심의 체육교과서 원형 개발
This study intended to suggest a new model for physical education textbooks by combining digital storytelling with physical education textbooks. In the planning stage, related data were collected and consultations with specialists were conducted in order to set the directions of the study. Units of physical education textbooks were chosen by conducting literature research and reviewing previous studies. Based on these, this study presented a preparatory model for digitalized physical education textbooks. The development of this model for physical education textbooks centered on digital storytelling went through analysis, design, development, assessment/modification, and developing the final model. Particularly in the first stage of the designing stage, physical activities were analyzed to select content knowledge. In the second stage, content knowledge was transformed into knowledge suitable for class. In the third stage, physical activities for making the best use of digital storytelling were chosen. Finally, suggested contents were interconnected to flow naturally along with stories.
Key Words
digital storytelling, physical education textbook prototype
Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Studies in Sports Pedagogy: From 2003 to 2011 스포츠교육학 질적연구의 양적 특성 분석: 2003년부터 2011년까지
이한주HanJooLee , 이정화JoungHwaLee , 고봄나BomNaKo
52(1) 195-211, 2013
Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Studies in Sports Pedagogy: From 2003 to 2011 스포츠교육학 질적연구의 양적 특성 분석: 2003년부터 2011년까지
이한주HanJooLee , 이정화JoungHwaLee , 고봄나BomNaKo
The purpose of this study was to count, categorize, and examine trends in the types of 283 qualitative research papers published in Korean Journal of Sport Pedagogy (KJSP) and Korean Journal of Physical Education (KJPE) from 2003 to 2011. Systematic review and content analysis was used. Focus of the study, research topic, author power index, and authors` network was analyzed. Findings showed that: First, the number of qualitative study continue to show great portion in sport pedagogy research. Qualitative research technique such as data collection, and analysis was diversified. Second, most frequently used key words are physical education (PE) Curriculum, narrative research, and PE teacher education related words. Third, researchers like Cheontaek Son, Jeongae Yu, Jongreul Park and Euichang Choi were productive in the KJSP, KJPE demonstrated by author power index. Fourth, social network analysis showed that researchers were networked by the undergraduate alma mater. Implications of quantitative analysis of qualitative research were discussed.
Key Words
qualitative research, research trends, tag cloud, power index, social network analysis
The Influences of Factors Related to Spectator Attendance on Perceived Value and Revisit Intention in F1 Korea Grand Prix F1코리아그랑프리 방문객의 경기관람결정요인이 지각된 가치 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
김홍렬HongRyelKim , 원도연DoYeonWon
52(1) 213-225, 2013
The Influences of Factors Related to Spectator Attendance on Perceived Value and Revisit Intention in F1 Korea Grand Prix F1코리아그랑프리 방문객의 경기관람결정요인이 지각된 가치 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
김홍렬HongRyelKim , 원도연DoYeonWon
The purpose of this study was to verify the influences of factors related to spectator attendance on perceived value and revisit intention in F1 Korea Grand Prix. The study conducted a research survey through convenient sampling method aimed at visitors in 2012 F1 Korea Grand Prix. 340 questionnaires distributed and 331 were selected as final valid sample by removing 9 questionnaires that have insufficient answers. Then data were analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach`α, t-test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Windows ver. 18.0. The results were as follows. First, it was indicated that attendances` complaint during F1 Korea Grand Prix were the lack of adequate toilets(n=131) 39.6 %, the lack of adequate conveniences(n=72) 21.8 %. Second, racing situation and player dimensions of factors related to spectator attendance and revisit intention, significant difference was statistically observed depending on revisitation Third, player and promotion dimensions of factors related to spectator attendance have an effect on utilitarian value. Fourth, entertainments and promotion dimensions of factors related to spectator attendance have an influence on hedonic value. Fifth, utilitarian value and hedonic value dimensions of perceived value have an effect on revisit intention.
Key Words
F1 Korea Grand Prix, factors related to spectator attendance, perceived value, revisit intention
A Study on Relationships Among the Attracting Attendance Factors, Service Satisfaction and Repurchase-Action in Windsurfing 윈드서핑 참여유인 요인이 서비스만족과 재구매행동에 미치는 영향
52(1) 227-237, 2013
A Study on Relationships Among the Attracting Attendance Factors, Service Satisfaction and Repurchase-Action in Windsurfing 윈드서핑 참여유인 요인이 서비스만족과 재구매행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze relationships among the attracting attendance factors, service satisfaction and repurchase intention in windsurfing. For this purpose, a total of 316 users of windsurfing were surveyed. The data were treated with the SPSS 14.0 and AMOS 5.0 program. As a result, the following conclusion were drawn. First, the study found significantly positive influences competitive power, facilities, promotion factors on Service Satisfaction factor. Second, Service Satisfaction factor of windsurfing had positive influence on Repurchase-Action. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
Key Words
attracting attendance factor, competitive power factor, facilities factor, promotion factor, service satisfaction, repurchase-action
The study of the processes on kuksundo`s settle down as life sport in modern society 현대 생활체육으로서 국선도의 정착과정 연구
52(1) 239-253, 2013
The study of the processes on kuksundo`s settle down as life sport in modern society 현대 생활체육으로서 국선도의 정착과정 연구
The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of Kuksundo`s settle down in modern society. The Korean Kuksundo Association was established in 1977 by Sung Hwan, Kim. The research methodology used individual interviews and oral history. Participants in this study were 3 members with more than 30years of practice who belong to the KKA. To begin with, the paper analyzes the period of 1960~1977. Main theme of this time has three phases: expectation, disappointment and realization. Second, in the 1977~1980s, the theme is about ``overcoming an ordeal`` in which Kuksundo trainees established an independent organization. Lastly, the themes in the 1990~2000s are about gaining popularity while strengthening basics. In conclusion, KKA leader, Mr. Kim`s attempt to make Kuksundo into casual life sport has been facing arguments that put traditional value of Kuksundo by priority. In spite of that, Kuksundo would keep looking for new ways to reach public recognition. Most important factor to consider here is that Kuksundo leaders` philosophy that both keeps pure idea of traditional Kuksundo and need for modern society.
Key Words
kuksundo, oral history, processes, life and sport
Effects of Health Improvement Programs on Leisure Experience, Exercise Flow, and Leisure Satisfaction in Elderly Women 노인여성 건강증진 프로그램의 여가경험이 운동몰입과 여가만족에 미치는 영향
52(1) 255-268, 2013
Effects of Health Improvement Programs on Leisure Experience, Exercise Flow, and Leisure Satisfaction in Elderly Women 노인여성 건강증진 프로그램의 여가경험이 운동몰입과 여가만족에 미치는 영향
This study aims to examine the effects of health improvement programs on leisure experience, exercise flow, and leisure satisfaction factors in elderly women. Then elderly women aged 65 years and older who participated in health improvement programs organized by welfare centers for the elderly located in Dong-gu, Seo-gu, Nam-gu, Buk-gu, and Gwangsan-gu in Gwangju Metropolitan City served as the sample of study. A total of 400 women were sampled with 80 women from each district(gu). Double-entry, blank, or unreliable data were excluded from analysis and finally 390 reliable data were analyzed. Exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and structure model analysis were used to conduct the analysis. Cronbach`s αwas used to test the reliability by internal consistency of questionnaire items and SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used to analyze the collected data. Finally the following conclusion was drawn through the above study methods and procedures. First, leisure experience partially influenced exercise flow in the health improvement programs for elderly women. Second, exercise flow partially influenced leisure satisfaction in the health improvement programs for elderly women. Finally, leisure experience partially influenced leisure satisfaction in the health improvement programs for elderly women.
Key Words
Health Improvement, Leisure, Experience, Flow, Satisfaction
Effects of Source Credibility and Reputation on Program Credibility and Program Satisfaction 골프채널의 공신력과 평판이 프로그램신뢰성과 만족도에 미치는 영향
52(1) 269-278, 2013
Effects of Source Credibility and Reputation on Program Credibility and Program Satisfaction 골프채널의 공신력과 평판이 프로그램신뢰성과 만족도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of source credibility and reputation on program credibility and program satisfaction focused on J-golf channel viewers. Data were collected from 329 respondents and analyzed with SPSS 15.0 program and IBM AMOS 20 program. The results showed that 40s got high scores on program satisfaction. And light viewer on J-golf channel showed high scores on program credibility. Second, expertise of source credibility components had not a significant effect on program credibility. similarity of source credibility components had a significant effect on program credibility. Third, reputation on J-golf channel had a significant effect on program credibility. Fourth, program credibility on J-golf channel had significant effect on program satisfaction.
Key Words
source credibility, reputation, program credibility, program satisfac
The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Autonomic Nervous Activity Measured by Heart Rate Variability in Adolescents 청소년의 신체활동과 심박변이도로 측정한 자율신경조절기능의 관련성
이재현JaeHyunLee , 변재종JaeJongByun
52(1) 279-289, 2013
The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Autonomic Nervous Activity Measured by Heart Rate Variability in Adolescents 청소년의 신체활동과 심박변이도로 측정한 자율신경조절기능의 관련성
이재현JaeHyunLee , 변재종JaeJongByun
This study examined the relationship between physical activity and autonomic nervous actiity measured by heart rate variability(HRV) in adolescents. Subjects were 15 year old girls(n=40) and boys(n=22). HRV was measured by SA-3000P(Medi-Core, Korea) and physical activity(PA) by the accelerometer Actical(Philip, USA). Only PA data recorded for 5 or more days and 10 hours per day were analyzed. Boys showed significantly higher values than girls in time for vigorous PA(t=2.606, p=.016) and average moderate(t=2.098, p=.040) and vigorous(t=2.339, p=.024) activity counts. And the more vigorous PA time was related to the higher normalized high-frequency(R2=.204, p=.035) of HRV. The higher level of light PA counts(R2=.185, p=.046) and vigorous PA counts(R2=.239, p=.039) were related to the higher SDNN. In conclusion, increasing vigorous PA such as sports activity leads to improvement of autonomic nervous activity in adolescent boys. In case of girls, the more careful studies with including subjects having high level of PA might be needed for inducing clearer results.
Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Vitality and Exercise Flow of Teakwondo Players 태권도선수의 성취목표성향과 활력 및 운동몰입의 구조적 관계
김석일SeokIlKim , 오은택EunTaekOh
52(1) 291-302, 2013
Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Vitality and Exercise Flow of Teakwondo Players 태권도선수의 성취목표성향과 활력 및 운동몰입의 구조적 관계
김석일SeokIlKim , 오은택EunTaekOh
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among achievement goal orientation, vitality and exercise flow of Taekwondo players. Total 314 samples were finally used. The data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and structural equation model analysis using SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 program. The results of this study were as follows; First, female group showed high scores on goal orientation and exercise flow. Higher group at exercise experience showed high scores on exercise flow. Second, achievement goal orientation had significant influence on vitality. Third, achievement goal orientation had significant influence on exercise flow. Fourth, vitality had significant influence on exercise flow. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
Key Words
social support, vitality, health promotion behavior, simple main effect
The Causal Relationship among Mid-Aged Female Dance-Sport Participants` Partnership, Verification of Sociality and Leisure Satisfaction 댄스스포츠 참여 중년여성의 파트너십과 사회성 및 여가만족의 인과관계
김지태JiTaeKim , 김재희JaeHeeKim , 강현욱HyunWookKang
52(1) 303-312, 2013
The Causal Relationship among Mid-Aged Female Dance-Sport Participants` Partnership, Verification of Sociality and Leisure Satisfaction 댄스스포츠 참여 중년여성의 파트너십과 사회성 및 여가만족의 인과관계
김지태JiTaeKim , 김재희JaeHeeKim , 강현욱HyunWookKang
The purposes of this study were to identify the relationship among partnership, sociality, and leisure satisfaction of mid-aged female dance-sports participants and verify the model suitability. The participants of this study were selected from groups of mid-aged female dance-sports participants, who participated for over 6 year. Samples were extracted by non-probability sampling method and convenient sampling method. For the research procedure, PASW Statistics 18.0 and AMOS 20.0 were used in data processing, along with frequency analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and path analysis. The results are as follows. First, partnership in mid-aged female dance-sport participants showed positive effects sociality. Second, sociality in mid-aged female dance-sport participants shoed positive effects on leisure satisfaction. Third, partnership in mid-aged female dance-sport participants showed positive effects on leisure satisfaction.Therefor, partnership in mid-aged female dance-sport participants showed positive effects on leisure satisfaction and sociality n mid-aged female dance-sport participants showed positive effects on leisure satisfaction, Creating a Partial incomplete mediation model.
Key Words
Mid-Aged Female Dance-Sport, Partnership, Verification of Sociality, Leisure Satisfaction
The Phenomenological Research of the Process of Building Health Promotion by Elderly People Participating in the Program of Sport For All 생활체육 프로그램 참여 노인의 건강증진 형성과정에 대한 현상학적 연구
이민규MinKyuLee , 원영신YoungShinWon
52(1) 313-324, 2013
The Phenomenological Research of the Process of Building Health Promotion by Elderly People Participating in the Program of Sport For All 생활체육 프로그램 참여 노인의 건강증진 형성과정에 대한 현상학적 연구
이민규MinKyuLee , 원영신YoungShinWon
The aim of the current study is to make in-depth analysis from their perspective regarding how elderly people are experiencing programs for health promotion, who are using the programs of sport for all in the community. Through this process, we are to use the findings for basic data in developing programs of sport for all, which can assist in the elderly people`s increased quality of life. This study selected 8 senior citizens as informants living in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon regions and regularly participating in the program of sport for all operated by Senior Welfare Center. For data collection methods, participant observation, in-depth interviewing, field note, the researcher`s reflection diary and the like were employed. In order to achieve research purposes, the phenomenological research method was applied among research methods. As a result, it was analyzed that first, elderly people have limits in participating in sport for all due to ``a decrease in social network``, ``experience in decline in physical health status``, and ``lack of leisure experience.`` These elderly people first came to participate in sport for all through people of the same age and internet advertising panels while they were trying to find how to promote mental and physical health. This allowed for an increase in their mental and physical health status and they came to have close relationships with other family members and reestablish their self-identity.
Key Words
Sport for all, elderly people, health promotion
The Causal Relationship among Career Barriers, Career Stress and Career Development of Softball Players 소프트볼 선수들의 진로장벽, 진로스트레스, 진로발달의 인과관계
장순웅SoonWoongJang , 김지태JiTaeKim , 김영준YoungJunKim
52(1) 325-337, 2013
The Causal Relationship among Career Barriers, Career Stress and Career Development of Softball Players 소프트볼 선수들의 진로장벽, 진로스트레스, 진로발달의 인과관계
장순웅SoonWoongJang , 김지태JiTaeKim , 김영준YoungJunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate how career barrier and career stress, both career development-impeding factors, affect career development, based on the need to come up with methods of improving career development of student players of unpopular sports such as softball. Regarding the participants of study, middle school, high school and college students registered as players with the Korea Softball Association as of 2012 were selected as the population, and purposeful sampling was conducted on the players participating in national softball tournaments held semi-annually, thus data for a total of 207 players being analyzed. As regards processing of collected data, hypotheses were tested by Amos 20.0 programs, and significant level was set at α=.05. As a procedure of testing whether each scale proposed in preceding studies is valid, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. In addition, in order to test causation among career barrier, career stress and career development, path analysis was conducted. The conclusion of this study is as follows. Analysis of causation among career barrier, career stress and career development of softball players showed that career barrier had significant positive effect on career stress and career stress had significant negative effect on career development. Also, career stress was shown to play the role of mediation between career barrier and career development.
Key Words
Softball Players, Career Barriers, Career Stress, Career Development
Germany`s Sports Leaders Training Policy and Implications for Korea 독일의 경기지도자 양성 정책과 시사점
52(1) 339-350, 2013
Germany`s Sports Leaders Training Policy and Implications for Korea 독일의 경기지도자 양성 정책과 시사점
This study has the purpose to provide suggestions for the establishment of a new sports promotion policy as well as the improvement of the training policy for the Korean sports leaders in the future by examining the training policy of German sports leaders. Literature review was performed for the research method and the results are as followings: First, the training policy of German sports leaders is divided into 4 stages according to the expertise levels of sports leaders and there are differences in educational goals and contents according to grades. Second, the training policy of the German sports leaders obligates not only the completion of the educational courses but also consistent re-education and participation in training. Third, the training course of the German sports leaders is operated under the organic cooperation of related institutions such as the German Olympic Organizing Committee, the Federal Sports Federation and the State Sports Federation in compliance with the guide for the sports leaders qualification. Korea is required to establish a policy for sub-division of a training policy for sports leaders, development of the educational course based on the field, obligation of the re-educational course, establishment of an organic cooperation system between related institutions and improvement of sports leaders` state in order to improve the training policy of sports leaders that are the foundation of elite sports development.
Key Words
sports policy, elite sports policy, sports leaders, German sports leaders, re-educational course of sports leaders
Relationship among Subjective Health Recognition, Activities of Daily Living(ADL), Exercise Capability and Social Support on the Elderly 노인의 주관적 건강, 일상생활 및 운동능력, 사회적 관계의 인과관계
유대현DaeHyunYoo , 여인성InSungYeo
52(1) 351-361, 2013
Relationship among Subjective Health Recognition, Activities of Daily Living(ADL), Exercise Capability and Social Support on the Elderly 노인의 주관적 건강, 일상생활 및 운동능력, 사회적 관계의 인과관계
유대현DaeHyunYoo , 여인성InSungYeo
The purpose of this study was to investigate how related subjective health recognition, activities of daily living(ADL), exercise capability and social support in elderly. The data collected from 598 elderly who participating on social welfare tube and hall in Seoul. For analysis, frequence analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach`s α, correlation and covariance structure analysis were used by the computer using the statistics program SPSS 15.0 and Amos 7.0. The results of this study can be acquired as follows; First, subjective health recognition had a influence on the activities of daily living(ADL) and exercise capability in participating in elderly. Second, subjective health recognition had a influence on the activities of daily living(ADL), social support in elderly. Third, exercise capability had a influence on social support in elderly.
Key Words
Subjective Health Recognition, Activities of Daily Living(ADL), Exercise Capability and Social Support
Influence of Serious Leisure on Recreation Specialization of Social Baseball Club Member 사회인야구 동호인들의 진지한 여가가 레크리에이션 전문화에 미치는 영향
문동현DongHyunMoon , 김인형InHyungKim
52(1) 363-376, 2013
Influence of Serious Leisure on Recreation Specialization of Social Baseball Club Member 사회인야구 동호인들의 진지한 여가가 레크리에이션 전문화에 미치는 영향
문동현DongHyunMoon , 김인형InHyungKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the serious leisure on recreation specialization of the social baseball club member using the purposeful sampling. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 203 individuals, among 11 social baseball club teams which are 6 league in B city who had experience of play-off. Based on the collected data, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were conducted and the following conclusions emerged. First, the longer the period of participation, the higher personal effort and shorter period of participation, the higher internal reward in case of serious leisure. Also, the more frequency, the higher personal effort according to the frequency of participation. Second, the longer the period of participation, the higher skilled efficiency, skill-knowledge, and experience and the more frequency, the higher skilled efficiency, skill-knowledge, and physical passion in case of recreation specialization. Finally, the serious leisure in the social baseball club member had meaningful influence partially the recreation specialization.
Key Words
serious leisure, recreation specialization, social baseball club
The Leisure Benefit through Tennis Club Activity 테니스동호회활동을 통한 여가혜택
52(1) 377-386, 2013
The Leisure Benefit through Tennis Club Activity 테니스동호회활동을 통한 여가혜택
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among paradigm factors through concepts analysis and categorization process by focusing on leisure benefits of leisure participants from tennis club activities. The findings of this study by using grounded theory analysis are as follows; First, center phenomenon is both directly and indirectly affected by causal conditions; stress, heath promotion and mass media, which are the reasons of tennis club participation. Second, leisure benefits from tennis club have effect on three categories which are physiological, physical and social area. Third, tennis club activity shows that it does act not only simple participation but also proves of interaction with life purposes from participants. As shown the result, center phenomenon acts key role of both positive leisure experience and sustainable participation.
Key Words
tennis club, leisure benefit, grounded theory
Effects of Interval Training and Aerobic Exercise on Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance 인터벌 트레이닝과 유산소 운동이 내당능장애 중년여성의 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향
52(1) 387-397, 2013
Effects of Interval Training and Aerobic Exercise on Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance 인터벌 트레이닝과 유산소 운동이 내당능장애 중년여성의 인슐린저항성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of interval training and aerobic exercise on insulin resistance in middle-aged women with impaired glucose tolerance. Participants were randomly assigned an interval training group(n=8) or a aerobic exercise group(n=8). Interval training(80-90 % of HRR or 50-60 % of HRR) and aerobic exercise(50-60 % of HRR) have performed 5 times a week for 12 weeks. The glucose(p<.01), insulin(p<.05), HOMA-IR(p<.05), and HbAIc(p<.01) were significantly decreased than those after treatment in both interval training and aerobic exercise groups before treatment, with no significant group difference. On the other C-peptide were decreased but no significantly changed. In conclusion, interval training and aerobic exercise had improvement effects on insulin resistance in middle-aged women with impaired glucose tolerances.
Effect of physical fitness level & changing of physical fitness level to body composition and metabolic disease risk factor among Korean male adolescents 남자고등학생들의 체력장등급과 변화량이 신체 구성 지표 및 대사위험요인에 미치는 영향
민지희JiHeeMin , 김은성EunSungKim , 전용관JustinYJeon
52(1) 399-408, 2013
Effect of physical fitness level & changing of physical fitness level to body composition and metabolic disease risk factor among Korean male adolescents 남자고등학생들의 체력장등급과 변화량이 신체 구성 지표 및 대사위험요인에 미치는 영향
민지희JiHeeMin , 김은성EunSungKim , 전용관JustinYJeon
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the association of physical fitness and change of fitness level at first year high school with the metabolic disease risk factor at third year high school among Korean male high school students. The participants of the study were 152 male high school students whose physical fitness, anthropometric and metabolic disease risk factors were obtained at the first and the third year of high school. SPSS 18.0 were used for independent t-test and ANOVA. For post hoc test, Tukey`s test was used. The result showed that the lower level of fitness at the first year was associated with body weight, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, waist circumference (WC), blood pressure, fasting insulin level at the third year (p<0.05). In addition, those whose cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal fitness were low at the first year showed significantly increased cardiovascular disease risk score at the third year compared with those whose cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal fitness were high (1.03 vs. -2.12). Lastly, subjects whose BMI was increased more than 1 kg/m2 with reduction in cardiopulmonary fitness (1st to 3rd year) showed significantly increased metabolic disease risk factors (1st to 3rd year). The current study suggests that improvement of physical fitness level is important factors for the prevention of metabolic disease among Korean male adolescents.
Key Words
level of physical fitness, body composition, metabolic disease risk factor
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Meditation Training on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Middle-aged Women with Type D Personality 유산소 운동과 명상 트레이닝이 D유형 성격을 지닌 중년여성의 심혈관질환 위험요인에 미치는 영향
52(1) 409-419, 2013
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Meditation Training on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Middle-aged Women with Type D Personality 유산소 운동과 명상 트레이닝이 D유형 성격을 지닌 중년여성의 심혈관질환 위험요인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of aerobic exercise and meditation training on cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle-aged women with type D personality. Exercise group (n=16) and non-exercise group (n=16) volunteered for this study. Aerobic exercise (60-70 % HRmax) and meditation were performed 3days a week for 24 weeks. After exercise training, waist circumference, total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, anxiety, depression, negative affectivity and social inhibition score were significantly decreased in exercise group. High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were significantly increased and cardiovascular disease risk factor number were significantly decreased after exercise training. Also, negative affectivity was a significant positive correlation with weight, body mass index and %body fat. Social inhibition were a significant positive correlation with waist circumference. Taken together, aerobic exercise and meditation training were effect on the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle-aged women with type D personality.
Key Words
type D personality, cardiovascular disease risk factors, aerobic exercise, meditation, middle-aged women
Setting Fitness Standards for Male and Female Taekwondo Athletes in Middle and High School 남,여 중,고등학교 태권도 학생선수의 체력 평가기준 설정
The purposes of this study are; (1) to set fitness standards for male and female taekwondo athletes in middle and high school using extended Angoff and Cohen`s method, and (2) to examine the validity of these standards. Fitness data were collected from 84 taekwondo athletes (46 ms, 37 hs) who attend 5 middle and 4 high schools located in a city of South Korea. Nine taekwondo coaches were recruited as the expert panel. The result showed that fitness standards for taekwondo athletes were much higher than those of non-athletes, and the validity coefficients ranged from 0.46 to 0.63. The standards set by applying Cohen`s method are more efficient and less arbitrary than the one set by applying extended Angoff method.
Most of the athletes chronically use the same muscles to improve exercise performance in matches. The one sided movements not only lead to the imbalance of the left and right muscles, but also transform truncus and thorax. In addition, these movements can lead to the pelvis dislocation, which affects balance activity as well. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare with baseball pitcher, volleyball, badminton and tennis players as to balance activity and body alignment. Body alignment was measured by using 3D image analyzer(Formetric 4D, Germany). As for the balance activity, Postural Sway Index was measured by posture calibration measurement device(Posturomed, Hyder, Germany) of static and dynamic balance activity. In case of the body alignment, there was no statically significant difference when it comes to the angles when trunk inclination, trunk imbalance, pelvic tilt, pelvic torsion and pelvic rotation. Moreover, there were no significant differences kyphotic angle, lordotic angle and lateral deviation. As for the surface rotation, tennis athletes were the highest on the right side, while there was significant difference among groups. There were significant differences in both right and left feet regarding the sum of swaying towards X and Y axes of static and dynamic balance. Our results suggest that an appropriate training program should be considered to maintain the correct posture of the body and reduce sports injuries in athletes.
Key Words
body alignment, balance ability, unilateral professional athletes